July Speaker Info – Rob Barry and Mark Kilstrom

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Reminder to all Legionnaires that our next regular Post meeting is on July 18th at 7 PM. Our speakers this month will be Rob Berry and Mark Kilstrom.

As mentioned at last month’s meeting, one of the goals of the Post for the year is to help get a Sons of the American Legion (SAL) squadron started. To help with any questions regarding this organization we are pleased to announce that the new Colorado SAL commander Rob Berry and Adjutant Mark Kilstrom will be attending our monthly meeting on July 18th. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in helping to start this endeavor to come meet these leaders and learn from their years of experience with the organization. I highly encourage anyone that is eligible and interested in joining to attend, pass the word.

Rob Barry is a Colorado native who has spent his life serving in his state. Rob spent 24 years with the Colorado Springs Fire Department serving his community in various technical positions and retired as a Lieutenant. After retirement, Rob found the Sons of The American Legion and has served in multiple squadron level positions including Squadron Commander for the past two years. At the Detachment (State) level, he served in the Vice Commander position and is now your Detachment Commander. Rob is also one of a handful of members that qualifies for all four families of the American Legion.

Mark Kilstrom served 20 years in the US Army as a Military Policeman retiring in 1994. Mark has been married to JoAnn Kilstrom for 48 years, has three children, three grandchildren and two great-grandsons. Mark has been a member of The American Legion for 31 years and has served as Post Chaplain, Judge Advocate, Adjutant and Finance Officer. He was the Department Americanism Chairman for one year and served as Vice-Chairman of The American Legion National Security Council. For the Sons of The American Legion, Mark has been a member for 24 years and served six years as a Squadron Adjutant and Finance Officer, Detachment Vice- Commander, Commander and as Detachment Adjutant for a total of 10 years. Mark was the SAL Midwest Region Membership Chairman for three years, has served as Alt NEC, and National Historian.

All are welcome!

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